Monday, August 8, 2011


Today was a well deserved day off for me after a crazy weekend at work.  Usually I would be more productive but today was truly a day of rest.  I did nothing except lounge around, surf the net, toss the ball for my dog and read.  R and R at its finest.  I found myself watching the movie "Just Friends" which was on tv earlier tonight.  I enjoy most Ryan Reynolds movies despite the common theme and type cast feel of them all.  Romantic comedies tend to be a guilty pleasure of mine.  You can hide it much better when your in a relationship and can simply blame the movie choice on your girlfriend.  But being single I have pretty much let the cat out of the bag at this point.  Notting Hill with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts is an all time favorite.  I am not embarrassed by this but I would certainly never invite "the bros" over for a movie night of "The Proposal" and "Sex and Other Drugs."  I do remember a night watching A Walk To Remember with one of my best friends and his dad.  Nothing like a Mandy Moore movie and some cold lagers for some quality male bonding time.

So back to the movie.  In a nutshell it is the story of a boy who develops an unrequieted love for his childhoold best friend.  Later in life, the all grown up little Romeo goes back and tries to win her heart after all.  Its a good movie, and true to form it has a happy hollywood style ending.  An entertaining movie to be sure.  It left me thinking "yea that shit never happens in real life" and wondering how many people have a situation they can relate to?  That old one that got away scenario.

I found myself wondering about that kind of situation. Would I have the balls to make a move of my own if it ever presented itself to me?  I have found personally that there tends to be a perceived window of opportunity in life and once we feel that window has been closed... so does our chances.   Thats the way we tend to look at things.  I know that is the case with me.  There is that moment where you say to yourself "I missed my chance" and its as if you have thrown in the towel.  Once your mindset changes its hard to go back. 

You can meet that special girl who just seems perfect... but maybe the situation is not perfect.  Maybe she already has a boyfriend or a complicated situation with an ex that makes her unavailable.  Maybe she becomes single, but you no longer are.  Maybe you have been friends so long it makes it impossible to get beyond that, the dreaded "friend zone" that the movie refers to.  Maybe that chemistry you thought you had was really only one sided. 

But what if these are all just excuses you have made up to justify the fact that you did not take that chance to find out the truth.  There may be a little of the romantic in me, but tonight that is the question that has caught my attention.  Not all the bullshit maybes.  Hollywood will always be full of fantasy and fairy tale endings, but in life we get to write our own stories.  How they end depend largely on whether we are going to write our own story or just go with the flow and hope that it ends up ok.


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